God is not a short-order cook

In life it is not surprising to find that with each unsuccessful try—in any endeavor— panic looms large until one begins to perspire and despair, and self-loath. Regardless of all those hateful emotions, God wants you to be the best. You are, in fact, God’s best! But He is a God of patience, so that by principles He likes to prune, weed out, and tame all that’s not consistent with His will for your life. And if you do not yet know this, you might think that God has given up on you already, especially during trials and temptations.

In the face of trials and temptations, one needs the disposition of a compact and well-balanced poise, a little like a lion. Yes, that temperament that guarantees one that  individuality, independence, and directness. This kind of poise inspires courage, dignity, boldness, and self-esteem.

Recall in the Bible when Jesus’s disciples cried out to Him, “Master, the tempest is raging”. And like a Master that He is, “Peace be still!”, Jesus responded. Human nature would have panicked to death in that instance—but not the Master, or those whom He has called: Not you and me, the Christ-conscious ones – the beloved one. Every once in a while I have imagined how light-heartedly the disciples smiled, seeing that the winds and waves  obeyed the Master.

Sometimes too, the process of pruning and weeding and  taming altogether can feel like God is giving you a Rolfing. Let’s say it’s true: He is; and as painful as that might be, those who go for Rolfing sessions attest that it reorganizes their connective tissues, as it permeates their entire body— a painful exercise that guarantees wellness. Sounds good, right? Sure. Many times, God offers us Rolfing sessions concomitant to our kind of success story.

So, don’t forget this: If He is God during the day times, He will still be God during the night times. He is God all of the times, in good times and in “bad” times. He is even more gracious and kind in the so-called bad times, being an ever-loving Father. Trust Him; be yielded to Him.

Often, the faith of a Christian is formed in the crucible of many temptations.

Just as in any workout session, workout zealots understand that during the first few days of their workout regimen they may go sore, but then they also know that they will get a tad better at it everyday. They understand that second wind at runner’s high. It is based on this understanding that the real fighters always plug along. Carry this understanding and plug along, too.

God took time to make you His best like a good cook takes good time to make a great and expensive delicacy (if the meal were for commercial purposes, yes, expensive). Always keep in mind that God is not a short-order cook. I mean, God does not make junks—He makes healthy foods; He makes healthy believers. Trust Him. Whatever He says stands, no disputation by anyone of His creatures. Stay patient on that big project, dream, vision, because God is not a short-order cook.